To Save Lucifer
'Listen up,
listen up girls,' Aton requested with an austere
expression in his speech.' You can appreciate, that we have remained
decorously diligent in our pursuit to construct this transitional
phase, safeguarding and not complicating matters for you as much as is
practical. Some of you have approached the council with a myriad of
notably instrumental propositions on how this pursuit might be
realized. Many of these proposals have resulted in several
improvements to operations. They are crucial in the attainment of our
directive, appropriate to this mission. The intent for calling all of
you together again, is to dispense this supplementary wisdom to you,
concerning your ephemeral metamorphosis. We have advanced an
encouraging enhancement in the methodology of administrating the
systems inoculates. The new procedure will be administered at an
increased velocity and elevated effectiveness. Unquestionably, this
will be an encouraging modification for all of you. At this same time,
we will be subjecting you to a procedure that will enable you to access
the memory of your authentic identity. This innate knowing will be
conveyed to your awareness by what is termed, dreams. Dreams will be
characterized as visions, flashes, or symbols of inner truth. This is
retained deep within the individual's consciousness. The only method we
can employ to achieve this result is to create a secondary layer of
consciousness. We will call this the subconscious mind layer. This
subconsciousness will not readily be recognized by the conscious mind.
The ability to access this subconsciousness through recall of dream
sequencing will be of great benefit to you because the opposition will
not be aware of you being different from one of them.' 'I would
to permit eugenics and transmigration expert Wove, to go on with
further explanations while I step away, if I may.' 'Dr. Wove, you may
proceed please.'
'The Luciferians, at their present stage of
evolution,' Dr.Wove began, 'simulate a slightly modified creature instinct. This
preoccupies the mind with the procedure of physical survival. You will
individually, be placed into a state of suspended animation. During
which time, we will be able to step up the implantation procedure. Your
bodies would not be able to withstand such an intense integration
process without slowing your vibratory velocity to a much lower rate.
It shall be during this time that we will initiate the layering of your
consciousness. When you awaken, you will no longer resemble the being
that you are right now. You will have been reborn into a new existence.
Unaware that you are anything more than what you appear to be to those
around you as well as yourself. You will already be on the surface of
the planet when this transpires. It would be much too difficult for you
to tolerate the vibratory rate contained within this ship after these
intensive alterations. Everyone will remember that your directive is to
seduce your target. You will also know that you are to learn everything
possible about the workings of the TRACS unit. Including the
location of the Moldovite mines. Once you are on the surface, you will have no
memory however of who sent you, nor the legitimate impetus behind your
descent. A preprogrammed history will have been phased into your memory
centers, supplementing the personality of the original denizen in your
new body. If there is a drastic change in the appearance or personality
of that entity upon your integration, there would be just cause for
suspicion amongst those who knew you prior to this procedure. This is
reduced by removing the originals from their Luciferian families and
friends, to attend training classes. You will believe yourselves to be
impassioned segments of a small but influential resistance group. Tired
of the lies and suppressed knowledge created by the Command Control
Corps. Nothing else of your current memory will be available to your
conscious mind, including our identity and your connection to us. You
will believe yourselves to be exclusively Luciferian. In the event that
you will need to leave the surface quickly we will perform an
evacuation process. Similar to the small evacuation procedures that we
are currently involved in on a few other systems. None of you will know
of this plan until you absolutely must be told. Your new state of
consciousness would adopt a resonance of fear that we are incapable of
working through. Frankly you would be terrified to death. That terror
would have to be subsequently manifested in the physical at some future
point. We are serious about taking as many precautions as possible to
insure your success and safety. However, there is always the
opportunity for error on any ones' part. A remote chance exists that we
might be cut off from you, unable to either help or interfere. Quite
simply, we would be separated from you. In the event that this was to
happen, you would remain on the surface as a Luciferian. Until
such a time that you were able to decipher your dreams, by triggering
your remembrances. Unfortunately, you would have to remain in a third
dimensional vibrational field as long as you have not been able to
access your subconscious to discover your genuine identity. However,
once accomplished, with our assistance you will be capable of merging
your consciousness layers. Once again, you will be the being that you
are as I speak.'
Dr. Wove strolled over to a vacant seat,
dragging it over to where he had been standing. He hurriedly situated himself central to
the room so that everyone would be able to observe him. Going on with
his rendering. 'There would be a great amount of difficulty for
us to try to communicate with you in any way while on the planet. Your
response would be one of tremendous fear and confusion. You would
perceive us as an alien presence. Many Luciferians would view our
presence as an invasion, responding with the fear based instinct of
self-preservation. This would not only be dangerous for us, but for you
as well. You must keep in mind that you will be constantly surrounded,
even saturated in an extremely dense vibrational field. Your response
to any given situation will be much different than what you might
expect from your current level of awareness. If we were to simply
communicate to you telepathically, you might think yourself to be
experiencing some sort of mental breakdown or emotional disturbance.
You would definitely be identified as behaving very strangely to those
around you. This could also be detrimental to your well being, as well
as those that are close to you. It would take quite an effort for you
to believe the communications were actually happening. Trying to
explain your connection to us as well as our connection to a greater
Universal Brotherhood, would be a tremendous task.
The idea of inter dimensional travel and higher
intelligences would be way too much for you to assimilate into your current paradigm
or reality structure. Information and advanced knowledge such as this
would need to be administered slowly and cautiously so as not to cause
any imbalances. Command Control has been able to hold the masses well
within their domination by keeping them ignorant to their true
potential and permanence. When a society realizes their cosmic
connections and the reality of divine expression through all of
creation, there is no longer the need for a ruling power. Neither is
there the need to be protected or the need for laws that support
division as a means in which to maintain control. At this point in a
society's evolution, the people become self-governing. Each individual
is a leader unto himself, no longer needing to be led. They no longer
posses the desire to follow another. All are aware of the creative
force that is forever animated within their being but some are in a
state of denial of such knowing and are unwilling to accept complete
responsibility for their creations.'
Aton rejoined the assembly and secured his position
alongside of Dr. Wove. Quietly whispering to each other, then Wove swiftly
excused himself and Aton took up the narrative where Wove had ended. It
could have been my imagination, but it seemed as if the entire
encounter had been scripted. 'The creator sojourns within all that is
created, all form and all expressions of such, to the degree that it is acknowledged. When one rejects this veracity, they perpetuate the self created illusion of
separation. You are presently enlightened to the reality that this is
the genuine manifestation of the paradigm of Hell. The utmost manner of
enslavement, as you will soon experience first hand, is to create and
perpetrate the fabrication that there is no Divine creator. Even more
effective is the lie that the creative force is somehow separated from
or outside of the entity and that they actually need an external go
between in order to communicate with the Divine. You will be
experiencing the overwhelming pressures of being suppressed and the
hopelessness of oppression. You will be hard driven to liberate
yourself as well as many others on the surface. Fortunately/Unfortunately, the lessons that you learn will remain deeply embedded in your memory for all time. You will learn that the lust of domination is food for the greedy, creating starvation and
imbalance as an effect. It is this behavior which demands that there be
those who will suffer the illusion of lack. For every action, there is
an equal and opposite reaction on the physical planes of polarized
duality consciousness. This occurs so there will always be the
opportunity of choice to all beings. The goal is to discover the
balance between these opportunities or choices. War, hunger, suffering,
and hopelessness are all side effects of imbalance. Harmony, peace,
abundance, and joy are also side effects. They are the side effects of
symmetrical existence. These things are made clear within the operation
of the physical body. The effects of disease and dysfunction are the
products of internal imbalances. When these are projected outwardly, it
manifests a corresponding consequence upon the Eco system. A microcosm
of the macrocosm or as has been stated, as above so below, as within so
without. From your enhanced perspective it appears that none of this
interplay requires occasion, correct? If you analyze your introspection
on the matter, deep within, you will identify a superior blueprint
underlying the inimitable illustration. A plan, with the immense
potential to conquer all of these impediments, and more. A soldier
cannot know his capacity in the absence of an adversary. Infringement
upon the legitimate sovereignty of any construct cannot be sanctioned
none the less. There must be a cessation to this activity. This is the
current role chosen by each of us to perform at this particular stage.
However, in the aftermath, there will be a favorable increase to your
experience by the encountering. I have related this material to you
When Aton spoke, we all would congregate,
breathlessly following his every assertion. Sensitive to the ultimate veracity of
each idea as he expressed it. Saturated in wisdom, he was a remarkably
efficacious pedagogue. Many of his lessons were those that I could
resonate well with. Frequently, I would envision myself chewing on an
observance he had dispensed for my consumption. Occasionally I would
elect to expectorate them because the flavor was not appealing to my
distinctive predilection of tastes. I could certainly identify with the
entire menu that Aton was serving us right now though It appeared to be
in impeccable symmetry with my own particular prospect or allusion to
existence. Praise the Universe, that I was able to exercise my
privilege to discriminate what I could embrace or exclude as elements
of my doctrine. I couldn't tolerate the frightening sensations of these
new found doubts within me though. Anxiety, concerning the consequence
of my assignment had a determined grip upon my deliberations. This is
undeniably the most forceful type of struggle that I could ever imagine
anyone determinedly undergoing. It is difficult to believe that once we
awaken from our suspension these issues will seem as mundane patterns
of expression. Wow! I truly hope that we are prepared for this shift
into another reality. Aton began speaking again. Every eye was focused
directly upon him as he continued.
'Your contact on the surface will be an entity by the
name of
Millon. He has made arrangements for eight host families to shelter you
and keep you informed of your guidelines and changes within the
mission. As I said before, you will believe that you are the new
graduating class of clinical technicians trained to work at the TRACS
compound. You will think that your purpose for being there is to
discover what is genuinely transpiring at TRACS. You will report all of
your findings to Millon.' 'Do not report anything to your host
families. In the event that something was to happen to Millon or you
are unable to send your findings to him for any reason, you would then
and only then, download your information to your host family. This way,
if they were to be questioned there wouldn't be much information to be
extracted from them. This thought will be imprinted strongly enough
within your subconscious, so that you will act upon the
when it surfaces in your conscious mind. If Millon isn't to be found,
this will be your trigger. You will be grouped in group of
three, with your closest confidant to make things more pleasant for
you. Millon has been setting up for this mission for a long time. He
works inside Command Control, resulting in access to many major areas
that are not so easily accessible to others. His job there would be
best described as that of a custodian. In the past, he has often been
overlooked, being thought of to have some sort of mental deficiency.
You will quickly discover that this is far from the truth. Millon is of
extreme intelligence and has chosen to play out this particular role,
being able to slip back and not be so visible. He does all of this very
well. Not only to his advantage, but also of tremendous value to each
of you. Millon was among one of the highly evolved individuals who
deliberately allowed themselves to be captured long ago by the
Luciferians. He allowed this to happen, so that a plan could be
developed to liberate the inhabitants of this darkened world. Millon
and his family were originally from the Arcturian sector. It was
through their entering such density at higher states of awareness that
we learned of the dangers of such transition. It managed to cause major
distortion within the thought processing of these entities. This
happens to be the reason that Millon is thought to suffer from a form
of mental retardation by the Luciferians. Initially, Millon suffered
what was thought to be irreversible damage. This was apparent to
medical profession upon the planet however it was not beyond our
ability to assist him through subconscious intervention. We were able
to extract his subtle body during his sleep so that we could make
improvements while he was aboard our ship.
The Arcturian's have been working together with us for a long while.
Waiting ever so patiently for our assistance, they remain with their
eyes turned to the heavens. I would suspect that they are all very
homesick by now. We wanted so desperately to bring them home. Their
reward will be great for they have given much of themselves in service
to the Universal Brotherhood. We would definitely be in good hands with
these families. We will easily be able to access the memory of events
that you experience from the time that you awaken as a Luciferian,
forward. When your mission is completed and you have returned, in total
awareness of your identity, we will be able to retrieve these
experiences, and information as you would through a computer. The
information will remain stored indefinitely in your subconscious memory
There was no need to explain to us in detail, the nature of the
subconscious mind from a third dimensional perspective. We already knew
about the seven main ethereal power centers and their connection to
this lower mind. We were also aware of how compressed, higher
dimensional holographic imprints are contained in those seven wheels of
light. These being responsible for, or should I say, blueprints of our,
soon to be, denser third dimensional body. In the event that we were to
be fatally injured or transpire, we would carry all the information we
possessed forward into our next incarnation. This would continue into
subsequent incarnations until such time that we were able to trigger
the remembrance of our identity and connection to the Galactic
Federation of Planets. Even further, our connection to the Creative
Force. In that case our return would have to be accomplished via our
own conscious awakening. We would have to surrender to this truth of
our own free will. The Federations would not be capable of
interference, without prior conscious consent from us and our new point
of view. This was the major drawback connected to splitting, or
layering of consciousness. All levels must be in a state of balance and
agreement before we would be able to be brought back to our current
higher vibrational state without causing extensive soul damage, due to
friction. If we left the body, for whatever reason and had not yet
triggered our remembrance, our souls would be drawn back to Lucifer.
This was due to the gravitational pull relating to
the density
of this planet as it would then relate to our own vibrational fields.
This would occur over and over, lifetime after lifetime, until we were
capable of achieving proper balance. There was little that could be
done about this other than sending in volunteers intermittently to try
to get us looking in the right direction. In the future and the past,
we found this to be extremely dangerous to both the volunteers and the
civilizations in which they enter. The information or message that they
bring with them is usually of such a nature that the masses are not
capable of understanding in their current paradigm. This makes the
message bearer seem somewhat radical in a sense. They always seem to be
in opposition to the current trend of ideas being carried out at the
time of their arrival, creating a struggle between the layers of
consciousness. Frequently, this leads to confusion, doubt, and fear
which eventually lead to violence. The result often is injury and
premature transition out of the body for some of the inhabitants. Many
times the messenger is treated very badly and is taken out by ending
their sojourn in some violent manner, to stop them from creating
further friction. Especially for those who are in control over the
masses because they fear loosing their power. The only way to control
someone, who refuses to be controlled, is by invading their freedom of
choice. This cannot be tolerated and will be amended in some form or
another. The soul must be allowed to choose for itself in order that
the spirit may flow and be in a free state of movement as it is created
to do. At times, those that follow the promptings of the volunteer
messenger, are heavily persecuted attacked or prematurely terminated,
disabling the body before they are to reach the level of balance needed
to achieve that state of integration necessary for transformation. Once
again, they are being caught in the pull of the density field, not able
to raise their energy or vibrational pattern enough to break free.
Fortunately, nothing they have gained is ever lost. This is due to the
total retaining within the subconscious of the being. When the being
reincarnates it contains all the previous encoding within the physical,
cellular and higher ethereal structures.
Aton had not finished his speech and he continued
with . . .
'These are all possibilities that you might face in the event
this mission is not successful. We have worked on contingency plans for
a long time. We have expended a lot of thought to your well being.
Unfortunately, your safety is almost out of our hands. Your conscious
minds would view any such assistance on our part as an invasion. We
simply cannot invade your paradigm of reality. It can however be
altered carefully by trigger events and occurrences within the physical
experience. In any case you will never, at any time be abandoned. From
a physical perspective, it might seem as though you have been left or
even cut off or separated from your cosmic origins and family. This is
certainly an illusion you are holding within your conscious mind and
nothing more. There are many locations similar to Lucifer where the
denizens are caught deeply within a dense holographic energy drama,
created for the working out of soul growth. A way for spirit to flow
and exercise creativity through creation. If they, or in this case you,
call upon us, we will help. However, it can only be on the level that
you are capable of receiving. You would not give a newborn infant solid
food; it would not be able to digest it. If you would continue to force
it, the child would expire from malnutrition.' He paused and looked
around the room at all of us gathered. 'This is the situation
that we
are up against. Some of you may not come back, you knew this when you
volunteered. This is the price of freedom. You all are such brave
individuals and merit the highest recognition and respect throughout
the cosmos. We all love you dearly and keep you in our thoughts. May
your mission be a success and may each one of you return to us soon? We
have prepared a special event this evening in honor of your commitment
to serve the source, the 'All that is.' 'Afterwards, you will be placed
in suspension. When you awaken, you my lovely creatures will be a
full-fledged Luciferian. Love and light to each of you. Know always
that the source of all that exists is within you.'
Once again, I had the sensation that things were
being accelerated. I noticed this increased activity, habitually
preceding a major turning point in transition. A precursor of
sorts to
great and powerful changes. So it is, with all life, on all levels,
change is the one thing that remains constant in the realm of the
physical made manifest. If not for an ever-changing experience, life
would not be happening. After all what is life without movement? How
could there be movement without change? Enough for now of these
abstract existence issues. I wished to spend my remaining moments
laughing and enjoying what I have been, to experience communion with
those I have shared my life with, while I am capable of enjoying them.
Everyone stood to their feet, raising their hands high above their
heads, palms facing upwards, intoned, 'Majestic authority to the RAM.
To this force we delight in our veneration.' We had received our
commission from RAM, not so very long ago. I remember it signifying
immensely invigorating importance to the entire Morning Star fleet and
subsequently, the most important encounter of my entire experience.
This was a superlative honor to be bestowed upon any civilization or
group, to be commissioned into cosmic cooperation by the RAM The
is, so our civilization perceives it to be, the 24 elders. Who
direct wisdom and truth from the source of 'All that is.'
Unquestionably, we had found favor in the sight of RAM because of
dignified desire to be of service to others. All of the crew members
aboard the Morning Star had pledged to nurture and uplift creation in
whatever ways we were capable. Although it was questionable as to why I
was a part of all this activity. There were those that appeared to have
labored so diligently to participate. I couldn't shake the feeling that
I had done so little and expended such a diminutive amount of exertion.
It came so effortless to me because of my vast attachment to what I was
performing. How peculiar that I have never felt censurable like this
before. It was more than just a little bit strange to me how extremely
tired and lethargic I had become since the use of the inoculates. All I
demanded now was sleep and that was exactly what I planned to do after
this meeting. I should like to be prepared for the Bon Voyage
celebration later this evening. Somehow, I Couldn't take my attention
off of this new guilt I was feeling? How extremely restrictive it was
becoming for me. I felt as though I was in a state that we refereed to
as lorred. Kind of short for left or righted. Not really either, but
both. We would often joke about someone being lorred who couldn't
affect a spontaneous decision. It would doubtless be much too
discomforting to remain in such a condition for any duration. How
peculiar it was to possess knowledge but respond and act out of a
completely different vibration.
Whatever the case, everything that I was
thinking or feeling
would hold no relevance at all, very shortly. I would soon wake up on
the planet's surface and not recall anything that I was currently
involved with. All I truly cared about though, was some rest and sleep
on my empyrean sea. Nothing else, here, there or anywhere mattered.
Neither the past nor the futures, just a tiny little regular, ordinary,
uninterrupted sleep. No need for assisted, prolonged, suspended or drug
induced sleep, just plain old, hit the sack now kind of stuff. I
stumbled back to my quarters barely able to walk. I descended rather
abruptly, and that was all she wrote. I had successfully fashioned my
escape into a dreamless world, once more.