To Save Lucifer
A considerable amount
of phenomena had transpired as we
slumbered in a profound state of suspension. Although comatose, our
subconscious was engaged in extensive evaluation of our former
experiences. Substantial leisure had been presented for me to
contemplate every occurrence through a process comparable to life
review. The entities that were in control of the craft we now
inhabited, exhibited an exceedingly elevated degree of intellect. They
were specifically aware of Lasiter�s schemes. By now, his actions were
distinctively predictable to them. The abhorrence that Lasiter harbored
against Aton was vast. It also constituted an apparent motive, that
Lasiter would perpetrate his vengeance by utilizing someone intimately
connected to Aton. Obviously, that particular someone was none other
than myself. They were not only prepared for Lasiter�s onslaught but
they were likewise apprised of the tracking mechanism that was
camouflaged within my ring, a gift that Lasiter had presented to me as
a token of his genuine attachment. The transmitter was swiftly
eliminated and a counter strategy was immediately activated, an
approach would be implimented that would direct Lasiter�s own conduct
against him. Their intention was to inveigle Lasiter to a location that
had been formulated as a battle planet, long before. The entities that
delivered us were assigned the station of cosmic law enforcers. As a
method of simplification, it would be easier to refer to them as ultra
terrestrials. Throughout several star systems when the inhabitants were
at a primitive evolutionary position, these ultra terrestrials were
frequently perceived as angels. Often they would be looked upon as
deities. Perpetual glorification by the proletariat often generated
subsequent confusion resulting in a pattern of developmental impediment
to mass conscious evolution. Complete belief structures labeled
religions were begot by such interaction between the so-called Gods and
the denizen which worshipped them.
It would appear there
were a multitude of entities in search
of a supernatural savior. When individuals are unable to cope with or
enact functional resolutions to their self-created obstacles they reach
for whatever seems miraculous or arcane, thus cerebral solutions are
never truly supportive in attaining their objectives. The key to this
dilemma is if people accepted their own strength and potential they
would never be led astray by the charismatic leaders they empower
instead. If you discovered your complete interconnection to all
existence you would not require being led, period. You would understand
that you are an exclusive experience of the grand architect of life. A
puzzle is ineffectual without every unique piece. There is nothing
inappropriate with being awed by what is beyond your comprehension.
When you feel the necessity to adulate or be led by those who exhibit a
transcendent knowledge, complications arise. These complications
persist, appropriate to one's continued convictions of ineptitude. It
is precarious to feel that someone or something is superior simply
because they are more familiarized with a subject. This circumstance
would be extremely uncomplicated to overcome through education.
Knowledge is power and it is a great verity that whatever you focus
your attention on becomes tangible. It is intention that starts the
ball rolling so to speak. When the intent is concentrated, that ball
rolls faster. Universal truths are seldom hidden from even the most
underdeveloped of civilizations. They are not multifarious but are very
simple in design. Essentially, one is required to know themselves
before knowing others. Whatever exists remotely from our self on
diverse worlds are only additional pieces to the grandiose puzzle of
existence. The same creative force animates all life. An
indistinguishable I peers outward from every eye. It is only the focus
that is individualized by the observer. Frequently a civilization
becomes so focused on its problems that they manifest into overwhelming
proportions. Instead of shifting concentration into practical
resolutions, they are confronted with a monstrosity they believe
themselves impotent to vanquish. They soon believe that outside
intervention is virtually the only means of deliverance. Some are
enlightened to greater truths because they are in imminent communion
with their legitimate identity.
There is a danger to
those implicated in any remote
intercession. This has been considerably authenticated throughout my
entire chronicle. Passing judgment is much more intimate than one might
be inclined to accept. No matter how advanced one supposes themselves
to be, they are not superior to Universal Fiat. This has been
established since spirit�s coalescence with matter or, the genesis of
life. Through the act of judgment you become what you are judging. This
process provides an opportunity to observe existence as an element of
perspective. The formula to a life of pleasure and harmony is to seize
these opportunities to establish equilibrium. Once you can accomplish
an internal balance between what you deem to be agreeable and what you
perceive to be evil, you will project it outwardly into your physical
environment. Creature fabricated principles are of inconsiderable
interest to the cosmic hierarchy. There are instances however, where
non-local intervention is indicated to avenue individual focus into an
appropriately creative direction. Most creature-contrived laws are
implemented exclusively to the advantage of the governing body. The
design of such legislation are consistently a method of imposing
dominion over its� creatures. Violation of creature law is punishable
by heterogeneous procedures. These procedures are implemented solely on
the conviction of the specific civilization. However, the infractions
of universal edicts are amended by the immutable decree of the Creative
force that some call God. The abstraction of punishment is presented
merely as a surrogate for your comprehension. Actually, there are no
true punishments. There are only effects of unbalanced thoughts put
into action or made manifest. When taken a step further, there is no
such event as wrong action. There is simply a counter progression to
the spontaneous flow of spirit. Unquestionably, this continues to be
responsible for supporting the illusion of opposition. This particular
illusion is not retained exclusively within a meager planetary
structure. Neither is it intrinsic to one singular aspect of creation.
This illusion has projected itself vastly into the cosmos. It has, is,
and continues to be reproduced and concluded by the participants
involved in the imposing production of life.
Lasiter had exceeded
his boundaries. He was impressively
playing with much more than fire for far too long of a duration. All to
which was promptly approaching an end. He was about to pay toll to the
troll, which is invariably the self. The affliction he disseminated to
others was equal to the corresponding tribulation he would soon endure
himself. The multi dimensional principle of cause and effect (what you
reap you shall sow) is intrinsically recognized by most species. At
some degree of understanding they innately comprehended that in every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction which is resultant. One
could easily relate to what you put into a box is precisely what you
will get out of it later. Lasiter would experience these verities
through an exceptionally impressive process. Formulated from deep
within Lasiter�s confused and distorted perspective, he would liberate
his most destructive justification. Aton and his planet would be his
most coveted target. Lasiter concluded that they both could be abruptly
eradicated in a singular launch, discharged from the surface of
Lucifer. Creating a more favorable arena for Lasiter to position
himself at a ringside seat. This would allow him to personally dispense
supplementary terror to his captives, if he decided there would be any.
Had he thought about Llewellyn or what befell him? If Lasiter had been
informed of Llewellyn�s defection in favor of the woman he cherished,
it would have infuriated him indeed.
Lasiter was not
completely aware of the catastrophic proficiency of
his self righteous invention. He did recognize it would exemplify a
monumental and swift deliverance however. This was the singular fact he
was assured of. His weapon of destruction bore the thrust of his
afflicted existence, an existence that was saturated in abhorrence and
anger. It was the tangible evidence of his internal volatility. Lasiter
was unaware that the ultraterrestrials had established an indiscernible
energy field that enveloped the entire unoccupied battle planet.
Certainly, this was no simple prosaic energy field. Functioning on an
unparalleled ethereal axiom, it was capable of averting any assault
that was perpetrated against it. This was accomplished by deflecting
the assault back to the assailant. Making the principle of what you
reap you shall sow, instantly evident as a tangible exhibition of
immediate karma. The declaration pronounced as we were receiving our
directive �To Save Lucifer,� would now denote complete logic, in light
of this recent revelation. We were previously apprised that infraction
of this precise ordinance would conclude in self-annihilation.
Lasiter�s own desires and actions would decimate him.
In my current state of
suspension there was considerable
opportunity for me to examine my previous encounters. I analyzed the
specific emotions that I had elected to dramatize in my experience as a
Luciferian. Though one might ingress into a seeming state of
unconsciousness, nothing is ever irreclaimable. Every contemplation or
enactment is registered for future examination. The subconscious mind
of an individual stores the details of experience like an immense
computer hard drive. Although one might not understand how to access
specific data, it remains a perpetual promise. I was feeling uneasy
with the dissenting emotions I sanctioned retaliatory toward Lasiter.
Was I really very much unlike him? Who knows what I might have been
capable of if permitted to dramatize my indignation and malevolence? My
preconceived concepts and ideology that I held prior to my encounter of
grief and trauma contained no prevailing relevance to me whatsoever.
No effort is involved in being an affectionate and merciful
when you are content or presumably in dominion of your experiences.
When you tread a path peripheral to familiarity into alien territory,
you discover that your intrinsic impulses are thrust promptly into a
distinctly different modus of operation. Third dimensional corporeal
constructs are replete with their own particular agenda. They assume
complete authority expressly when fear of extinction is threatened. At
the attending moment I seemed absorbed by a particular vision, a
peculiar dream within the illusion of reality, a melodrama that was
being performed exclusively for my commentary, repeatedly. I lay,
radically exposed in Lasiter�s sanctuary after an evening of
exorbitantly indulgent intercourse. Neither of us had experienced even
negligible insufficiency in salacious stimulation of each other�s
bodies. Lasiter was certainly an extraordinary love maker. What a jest,
now that I could reflect upon the notion. Love had absolutely nothing
to do with our erotic interludes. It is dangerously indulgent to
misconstrue love and sex as a comparable exhibition. In actuality, they
have nothing in common. Any beast is proficient at copulation. Granted,
sex is invariably phenomenal and profusely rewarding when love is
implicated. Love however, is never the prerequisite to a carnal
junction between beings. Somehow the proposition of lying down with
such a man compelled me to feel ill. How could he have delivered so
much pleasure to me with his unrestricted touch, just a brief duration
earlier? The contemplation of his hands gliding over my nakedness was
newly repulsive to me. How could his unbelievably appealing physique
have turned me on so much? So much that I believed I could actually
dissolve into his embraces? When he pressed unyieldingly upon me and
plunged profoundly into my beguiling haven, I rhapsodized. There was no
existence external to us. His penetration so buried within my flesh
that it seized the very sanctuary of my soul. How incredibly
electrifying it was when he caressed my breasts. His kisses were so
passionate that my body heaved in consummate ecstasy.
The entire circumstance
disgusted me to envision but the
vision persisted. It was obviously oblivious to my present emotional
I beheld myself reviewing the dream
Lasiter managed to apprehend. There
it was, exhibited openly upon the monitor in his quarters. I could hear
Llewellyn and Lasiter�s discourse in the background. This time however,
the words were remarkably clear and audible. �The strategy is to permit
them to consider their escape successful. We must exterminate a few of
them in order to constitute the appearance of effectiveness, you know.�
The words echoed repeatedly throughout my mind. In other words they
would need to kill some of us to make it look good. Make it look good.
What variety of perverted antics had we been privileged to? I re
experienced the feel of Catlain�s fragile hand slip, absent my
determined grip. Her broken body slinking down to my feet as I feebly
watched in absolutely paralyzing horror. The entirety of the tragedy
replayed in apathetic slow motion. I could not keep from focusing on
the great gaping wound in the middle of her forehead, as she tearfully
pleaded with me not to forget her. All of this vain suffering to
constitute the appearance of effectiveness, so Lasiter would look good?
I had been stripped of a future destiny along side of an ultimate
companion, my foremost friend; her existence, possessing absolutely no
relevance to Lasiter. Absolutely not, I rejected that such enmity
existed within any of creation. How could such malevolence emanate from
anywhere and why was it permitted to endure? My impassioned desire was
that Lasiter would somehow be forced to lament for the anguish and
affliction he had apportioned to so many others. Was it possible to
offend someone who was so indisputably callused? How is it feasible for
someone to apprehend grief or torment when they exhibit no perception
of benevolence? What equity is there, when it is those who love the
most that suffer greatest? What about those rare individuals that can
feel the pain of others as well as feel their own pain?
Lasiter was incapable of
feeling the sorrow of deprivation because
he possessed absolutely nothing of his own making. He held no
veneration or respect for any life. He had constructed a bottomless
pit. A shadowy abyss developed deep within his soul, expanding
considerably each opportunity he elected not to exercise love, wisdom
or understanding in his options. A hollow that epitomized avaricious
want, self indulgence or any act established exclusively toward
self-advantage. This pit was appropriately bottomless, as nothing is as
insufferable as unfulfilled obsession. It remains just scarcely out of
reach, elusive, unattainable and a ceaseless pursuit. Such judgment was
the progeny of my conscience. I was opposing the content of my previous
experience and those who were involved in it. Likely, this would
advocate my prospective sentencing and I would certainly dramatize all
of it in the physical. I would perform these roles from the position of
the victim and the victimizer until I could abandon consigning judgment
upon myself. In judging others we pass judgment onto ourselves. Do you
Lasiter was actively
gathering his evil brood for the eminent
Armageddon. He thought himself favorably fortified for this
confrontation. This would be remembered in future chronicles as the war
in the heavens, a war of evil opposing good. Appalling as it may have
appeared to all that were immersed in its presentation, this was merely
a reenactment of a transcendent stimulus. A stimulus that developed at
an earlier epoch as a war that will persist until judgment is suspended
against the participants. Lasiter had unknowingly harnessed an energy
that was more dreadfully destructive than he was aware. He was
substantially out of his league. Through his distorted and depraved
reasoning, he formulated a definitive scheme of attack. He decided to
issue his mandate of desolation from some out of the way safe haven in
space. The actual anti-elemental weapon would be unleashed from the
surface of Lucifer while Lasiter settled back at a remote distance.
Secure to capture any would be eluders. This was just another technique
for him to experience the titillation of menacing his prey personally.
He could function as a scavenger, sifting through the debris after the
He intentionally sought
to provoke offensive behavior from the
surface of what he believed to be Aton�s home planet. He made himself
easily visible. When he received no rebuttal he became overly agitated
by his inability to lure Aton, or any one else out into the open. No
longer able to dawdle, he impatiently issued the order to fire. Imagine
his revelation when absolutely nothing ensued. He was aware that it
would necessitate an interval of anticipation before his weapon would
impact its� target. As he surveyed the heavens in bewilderment, it was
evident that he had made a tremendous mistake. He couldn�t believe his
eyes as he observed his harbinger of horror pivot swiftly, revenging
its point of origin. Unfortunate for Lucifer, there was nothing that
could be executed to prevent it from accomplishing its assignment of
annihilation. Much to Lasiter�s disillusionment, he would be the one to
bear the near extinction of his own race. By his personal labor and
individual aspiration to avenge his station, he was reaping what he had
sewn. Until this very day, Lasiter is haunted by his order to
fire. He
has learned much in his pilgrimage to support the evolution of
consciousness, although, he has yet to assimilate the most meaningful
message of all. If the entire cosmos were able to absolve this mammoth
act of ruin, it would continue to dramatize until Lasiter is able to
pardon himself. Until he can terminate his judgment against his past
actions and abate himself of all guilt, Lucifer cannot be redeemed.
From another perspective, these terrible acts could be distinguished as
the impetuous behind the establishment of contemporary existence.
Abundant devastation occurred to Lucifer upon impact. The planet was
violently shaken from its� orbit. It went careening through the
heavens, effecting mass destruction to celestial bodies as it came
close to them during its� relentless journey to nowhere. Lucifer indeed
had a negative influence upon anything that it came in proximity to.
This was why Lucifer would always be looked upon narrowly. To be so
imperious and endure such an exile, how art thou fallen from the
heavens Oh Lucifer? Who is it that specifically determines these
issues? Who decides whether such an occurrence was particularly a fall?
An immense cry went out into the cosmos. More than an entire quadrant
of space/time agonized at the execution of the Luciferian Command and
the Luciferian denizen. How I could hear the ghosts of Catlain�s words,
echo through my consciousness, again and again.
Had she a premonition,
of things to come, when she declared,
�Let�s all go out in an explosion of levity in support of a new
beginning?� A great void remains within the souls of many species
because of these occurrences. Unnumbered lifetimes would be required
before such a colossal loss could be confronted without judgment; a
necessary procedure that must be committed before the negative energy
of the occurrence can be disengaged. Many souls were now trapped
without physical vehicles, causing tremendous confusion and chaos. It
has been said that out of chaos emerges order. Rightly so, this
occurrence also generated a unification of beings throughout the
heavens. A necessary unity required in developing new forms for those
that were left without them. We had nowhere to progress. None of us had
attained the degree of awareness needed for the integration process to
result. It would demand a third dimensional construct for our continued
conscious evolution. The deplorable analysis retained within our
essences would need tangible avenues to be rehabilitated. We had
noteworthy concerns to cultivate on various levels before we could
return to our genuine vibrational pattern. This was an identified
consequence of such an experiment. All who were committed had
significant hopes that something like this could be circumvented.
A stunning garden
planet existed far off. It had recently been
constructed for a noble experiment in diversity. Here, multiple species
were to interact and flourish. Unfortunately, it had undergone an
enormous degeneration. When struck by Lucifer on its reckless excursion
through space/time, the planet was rent in two sections. Much of the
augmentation that had been developed was drastically disabled due to
the fatal influence Lucifer had on contact. Portions of the planet were
strewn about formulating an asteroid belt. This was an upheaval so
severe that many of the planets that comprised this particular galaxy
were displaced. One of these planets was completely destroyed. The name
of this planet was Sin (some call it Maldek). Appointing supplementary
relevance to the ancient admonition, �The wages of sin is death.�
Lucifer could not be completely harnessed or prevented from generating
future crisis. The act of interference was also an act of judgment that
Lucifer needed to be subdued. Because it came in contact with this
small blue planet, there was a karmic attachment to the planet and to
the future inhabitants. Celestial bodies are an extension of the
occupants that exist upon them. They are an effect of the consciousness
of the people and evolve along with them. What is slowly approaching
the current awareness of Earth is the return of Lucifer. It will depend
upon mankind�s judgment toward its� past behavior, how it will impact
our experience. In some circles there are individuals who are expecting
a photon belt to fashion its emergence soon. Photon denotes the
presence of intense light energy. Some identify this as the energy
force that precedes Lucifer. Henceforth, there comes the concept of the
Archangel Lucifer as being a lightbearer. There are many beings
dissimilar to Homo sapiens that are participating in the present
healing process. This is why they have become so committed to our
support at this time. We are not the only ones who are being given the
opportunity to heal, think about it. A newly constructed planet would
be an appropriate host to a newly created people, and this will be the
case in the future. The current life forms existing on the planet were
primarily vegetation and a scattering of animals. There were massive
reptilian beings that were close to radical extermination caused by the
cataclysms that inundated the planet. When I refer to the planet as
newly constructed, the implication is from a strictly cosmic
perspective. The modern day reptilians are what you know of as
dinosaurs. They had prevailed upon the Earth for millions of years.
Faced with imminent destruction they were forced to undergo a course of
significant soul distortion. They are in the process of healing this
themselves at the present. You have considered dinosaurs to be nothing
more than animals but this is not so. All beings are permitted to
manage their afflictions and realizations as they regard appropriate to
their development. Some will not elect to accomplish this in the same
manner, as others will.
Another life form
existing upon the planet had progressed to
an advanced stage of self-awareness. At least in comparison to the
principles of the other remaining species of animals. These were known
as primates. At the time, no one knew if integration with higher
intelligence would be possible to achieve with such creatures. After
petitioning the surviving reptilians for such a union to commence, a
decision was made by them, not to be involved with this procedure. They
also decided to permit their species to perish so that they could
incarnate again upon their planet of origin. Some of these
are currently interacting with Earth inhabitants, who should be
extremely cautious with such interaction. For one thing, those who are
upon the Earth at this time are not coming from space, but from within
the Earth itself. These particular creatures were trapped here long ago
and you might accurately say that they have a need for an attitude
adjustment. This is a hint to those who are connected to the use of
their expanded technological expertise; get out of Dodge! These
individuals have duped you. To the rest of the world, these are known
as the negative grays and they are not affiliated with the tiny
benevolent gray like genetic experts that dwell within the heavens. You
most certainly have nothing to worry about by any entity from space
being able to invade. It is not permitted. Although many underground
species have both the technology for and the vehicles, to travel
throughout the Earth�s atmosphere, they cannot leave it. I should also
tell you, that humanity also has such technology and vehicles. They
too, are not permitted to wonder into the restricted spaces of heaven.
If there is an invasion, it shall come from within my friend.
Back to the story, the
primates were then solicited to yield
to a merger with a higher consciousness, affording them the opportunity
to raise their own level of awareness. This would be advantageous to
both participants. The primates would require support in surviving the
prevailing hostile environment they found themselves to be a part of.
Their hair-covered bodies would make it tolerable for us as well. The
majority of these primates agreed to the experiment. Those that didn�t
were allowed to proceed with their development on their own volition.
Because of the lack of physical vehicles to choose from, the decision
was made to commence with, what would be known as the great experiment.
Optimistically, during the progression of the planet�s evolution, the
creatures and their consciousness would be able to evolve at a
proportionate rate. Allowing progress to be achieved in a spontaneous
manner is the most desirable approach. Hopefully, many of the mistakes
created on Lucifer could be averted here. Spiritual evolution as well
as technical development could conceivably be accomplished in
appropriate balance, if the memory of what befell Lucifer was retained
within the individual. There will consistently be those who aspire to
accelerate advancement without allowing a more intuitive approach to
occur. Frequently, the desire to exploit is often analogous with those
who require to be governed or covet the position of authority.
Sometimes, the intent to interfere has a much different motivation but
it does not preclude karmic obligations.
The initial experiment
involved a cultivated entity and a
solitary primate. I recognize this as truth because I was that
cultivated entity. I surrendered myself to be the first in this
experiment, so distraught over the loss of my friend I felt there was
nothing to forfeit. In a way I wanted to suffer, feeling accountable
for our estrangement. This was merely the expression of a fear that we
all hold deep within our souls, of separation. I agreed to do this
experiment with inappropriate motivation, responding out of my anger,
hatred and abandonment. These are the expressions that I brought into
the physical with me, into my new form. Is it not therefore appropriate
that the first to be involved in such an endeavor be the first to
consciously remember doing so? What I am about to disclose to you, is
profoundly beyond my convictions and is terribly difficult for me to
share. My writing of this chronicle has been a formula in which to
facilitate my healing as well as your awakening. Upon becoming
conscious in the form of the primate I was stricken with such horror
and non-acceptance that I was unable to function. I cannot think of
anything that has ever happened to me since that has caused me to feel
more repulsed. Overwhelmed with disgust, I was unable to make the
creatures body accept what I willed it to do. There was such a severe
lack of coordination between us that there was no hope in making a
connection. I cannot tell you how adversely this affected me. The
vileness I felt in becoming this creature is beyond description. I
willed myself to expire because I was so terrified of my new
predicament. I did not budge and refused to eat until I left the body
of this poor pitiful creature behind. To this day I have held judgment
against this act. Until recently I condemned those who initiated the
experiment for my horrendous experience, not wanting to accept
responsibility for my own conduct. There are many who continue to do
this subconsciously. This is why it remains obscured from the conscious
memory of humanity. This memory must be brought to the surface of the
mass mindset of man so that the holographic block that has been created
from its repression can be dissolved, once and for all.
experiments were performed, creating new
variations of this individual species. You might say, new and improved
models were established in accordance to the evolution of the planet
itself. None of these beings were exactly what their creators desired
but they served their purpose in the evolutionary scheme of things. The
effort however, did offer bodies to many souls who would not have had
them otherwise. I feel the need to make this statement clear. Spirit
does not need bodies to persist. It is the soul, which requires a
vehicle. What then is the soul? Perhaps you should commit this query to
research, as part of your continuing quest to find self. You can never
relinquish the self to a grander pursuit until you have located it,
It was a long time
before I was able to heal my essence to the
position of returning to this new form. This is why scientists are
finding various remains of primitive species. This is also why they
will never find what they refer to as the missing link. You are the
missing link. Your body has been manufactured to fit your desired
pattern of evolution. It has been manipulated and revised on numerous
occasions and is soon to be amended further. Homo sapiens are the fifth
root race. A beloved friend, a fellow traveler, has offered a name for
the ensuing improvement to the body. The name touches me heavily and I
will petition the highest courts to have it established within the
Akashic records. His name for the new body of man is HOMO AMORUS, which
means man of love. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the old
ones had passed away, as did the old selfish manners of mankind, to
make way for the new man of love.
No enhancements have
ever been executed without the express
consent of specific enumerates of individuals, desiring to be involved
in such. You are permitted to experience the reality of your choosing
whether you believe this or not. There are no victims, only the
misunderstood perceptions of what a victim is. If you find yourself a
victim in this life, believe me brother; you were the perpetrator of
such actions in another. You may continue to deny your responsibility
for your creations for as long as you reside, in any body of your
choosing. It will be the very thing that tethers you to that body and
prevents you from the experience of true independence. You don�t have
to believe in reincarnation, but you condemn yourself to repeat if you
persist in refusing to create.
What people are
encountering as abductions by alien beings
are not what you have been led to believe. Why do you think that you
could have a reliable understanding of your future when you have not
contemplated the legitimate remembrance of your past? Beware of wolves
in sheep�s clothing though; there is the mirror of reality at work here
in the duality mindset. You can always tell a tree by its fruit can you
not? Do you think that your God, who dwells within the Heavens, would
allow anything within those heavens to descend upon you, without his
protection? If this Earth has been Satan�s plaything, the deceiver
shall come from within it. Think about that folks. Your beloved Bible
speaks repeatedly of those who dwell in the heavens, those who dwell on
the Earth, within the Earth, in the seas, and beneath the seas. What
exactly do you think that this means? I will proceed now with more of
the story.
After these experiments
had commenced, many species were
attracted to this beautiful Garden of Eden, replete with an amazing
archetype of unity amongst diversity. The bodies of the Homo sapiens
had ultimately appeared perfected, utilizing the collaboration of many
ultraterrestrial civilizations. These ultraterrestrials remained
attentive to their seedlings so they could cultivate and observe them.
This procedure had to be withdrawn before long as it appeared that the
development of the newly created man would be impeded if he were not
permitted to go off on his own. Analogous to a child undergoing
departure from it�s parents, supporting the realization of it�s full
potential by it�s own volition. The original intention was that man
would be allotted a lengthy life expectancy. When this life interval
implied exhaustion the consciousness would proceed to wherever it was
directed for progression of it�s continued evolution. The objective
signified that if the consciousness required a return to the third
dimensional plateau to consummate its edification; a new body would be
fabricated for it to accomplish this directive. This new configuration
would be fortified by the ultraterrestrials committed to genetic
production of bodies. Specifically executed designs were established to
insure that exclusive patterns of consciousness would be sanctioned to
occupy the new prototype.
Many of the entities
that were desirous of the opportunity to
experience this innovative flesh body were infuriated with repudiated
acquiescence. Consistent flaunting by the ultraterrestrials, signified
by their pure mastery perpetuated resentment. As with multiple
situations, this performance was efficacious in establishing a
preoccupation by those not authorized to experience this body. In
different terminology, we invariably covet what is prohibited,
explicitly because it is forbidden. What would subsequently be referred
to as the serpent race (surviving Luciferian souls), resolved to
formulate a scheme of their own design. They desired to institute a
process that would cause the ultraterrestrials to be ineffectual at
restricting which spirits, would be permitted to embody these
constructs. This turned out to be a relatively uncomplicated exploit by
abducting a female, transporting her on board their craft and endowing
her with a reproductive system. This reproductive faculty had been
previously reserved for beings of an elevated state of comprehension,
proficient at premeditated influence over the birth mechanism via a
corporeal reproduction processes or genetic orchestration. Once she was
equipped with this novel capability an individual of this serpent race
showed her how to copulate through a distinctive technique than the
existing animals inhabiting the planet. There was a dual objective to
this precise instruction. Other than demonstrating how it was
performed, this being literally inseminated her with his scion. She was
subsequently returned to her element where she commenced to apportion
her new erudition to her consort. Not long ensuing, the
ultraterrestrials were enlightened to what had transpired. In their
exasperation, they decided to depart and sanction the eventuality of
their conception to perform on it�s own resolve. They were painfully
aware that their aspirations had been shattered by what they considered
an infectious disease that would assuredly contaminate their
fabrication. The creation myth is not a fantasy. How it has been
illustrated is genuinely parallel to how it literally occurred.
However, it has been poignantly encumbered with judgments and
perspectives, obscuring the accuracy of the encounter. Is there a right
or wrong, a good or an evil? Is it appropriate for some to restrict but
not others?
Luciferians were
rapidly able to incarnate upon the planet,
transporting a multitude of unresolved issues with them that soon
propagated like the feared contamination amongst the people. The
serpent race held a unique agenda in perspective for the newly
established man. As precursors to the new Luciferians, they were
seriously implicated in similar thought processes. They were as equally
desirous of the females for mating, as with possessing a labor force of
able-bodied men to execute their dirty work. All of which persists to
delineate, in the physical, the conflict between the characters of
duality. These same individuals have remained upon the earth but have
been forced to go underground by repeated cyclic cataclysms. They have
been extremely instrumental in the foundations of such organizations as
the Illuminati, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers and some mainstream